Despite being left out of the Windows Phone 7 launch, it appears that Verizon has no problems about joining the party late. In a response to...
The consequences of Android’s fragmentation are finally starting to show. Netflix, a popular online streaming app that’s available for iOS and even the recently launched Windows...
If you are one of many iPhone owners who’ve been facing the issue of a blue tint/spot in the center the photographs you take, it’s good...
For those of you who have an iPhone 2G or 3G lying around, with nothing better to do- why not breathe some life into it? Since...
Apparently the next Samsung Galaxy Phone will be on its way soon. Eldar Murtazin, the man who gets his hands on all the latest phones recently...
Some slides of two upcoming Sony Ericsson phones have leaked online. Released for the Xperia family, it seems that these phones won’t be running Android like...
A Toys R Us ad was recently spotted advertising the Sylvania tablet for only $139.99. Sure that is a great deal for a 7” Android tablet,...
It appears that Apple is slowly excluding the iPhone 3G from a number of new features available in iOS 4.x. Firstly it was the lack of...
Liquid Pubs has recently posted a article detailing Apple’s tablet history. It lets us have a look into Apple’s interesting past with handheld devices. From their...
Facebook has just released an update for their Android app. The update brings your Facebook version up to 1.4.1. It fixes a number of bugs in...