What you see above (we do have a photo gallery of the device right after the jump) is the Nokia RM-581 Columbus Harmattan prototype, which some...
When it comes to Windows Phone 8, it goes without saying that there is just one major smartphone manufacturer that rolls out phones running on that...
Nokia has certainly come some distance since their heydays, but right now, they are in the doldrums having being overtaken left, right and center by numerous...
They say that no man is an island, so it makes perfect sense for one to have friends, and keep in touch with them more often...
If you happen to own a Nokia Lumia smartphone, then be prepared to be thrilled all over again with a game which is definitely all too...
The Nokia Lumia 900 is currently the top dog where Windows Phone smartphones are concerned for the Finnish smartphone manufacturer, but just because you have a...
The Nokia Lumia 900 (which we have already reviewed over at our sister site Ubergizmo) is Nokia’s flagship device when it comes to the Windows Phone...
Microsoft’s Windows Phone Marketplace is now happily the third biggest mobile app ecosystem with 82,234 apps behind Apple’s iOS with 550,000 apps and Google’s Android with...
Yes, we do know that pre-orders for the Nokia Lumia 900 have already started at AT&T and Walmart, with a white version also being prepared for...
Nokia Windows Phone users will now have easy access to exclusive Nokia apps that announced for Nokia phones during the launch of the Lumia 800 and...