Karios Games, the creators of Tetrada, a popular puzzle game that takes the gameplay of Tetris, has received a cease and desist order from the Tetris...
Konami’s long-running Pro Evolution Soccer franchise has finally made its way over to Google’s open-source mobile operating system. PES 2011 which has already been available on...
Trendy Entertainment has just updated their Dungeon Defenders: First Wave game for both iOS and Android, bringing it up to 2.0 and now allows cross-platform gaming!...
It looks like Crytek is gearing up to break into the iOS game business. After the success of Epic Games’ Infinity Blade on the operating system,...
It looks like the upcoming Sony Ericsson PlayStation Phone/Xperia Play will be able to play your favorite PlayStation games (illegally). The folks who leaked previous footage...
In a surprising announcement, one of Japan’s largest game developer/publishers, Konami, has announced that their first 3D game will be launched on mobile phones instead of...
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, the legendary fighting video game that caused generated quite a bit of controversy when it was first released (violence, blood etc) but...
If there’s one thing that seems to happen whenever a new gaming platform is released, it’s the porting of classic games. EA has just released one...
Infinity Blade, the highly anticipated release from Epic Games, is finally here. Just in time for the winter holidays, this game makes use of Epic’s Unreal...
EA has just released a new version of its infamous video game franchise- Rock Band on the iPhone and iPad. Called Rock Band Reloaded, it brings...