The world’s first Intel powered smartphone has been officially launched in India. The phone is said to be running an Intel Medfield platform. The Xolo X900...
As always with a device as anticipated as the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 which is confirmed to be launched on May 3rd, the rumors about it...
The Motorola Droid 4 is set to get its first update since the smartphone was launched by Verizon on its 4G LTE network in February this...
Rumors that have been floating around the internet point to Motorola’s plans of launching an even more attractive version of the already successful Motorola RAZR. The...
Microsoft Evangelist Nuno Silva has gone on record with Portuguese site Zwame and announced that all Windows Phone smartphones even from the first generation will get...
While looking for an iPhone case, the two contributing factors to your final purchase will probably be protection and comfort of use. If you find yourself...
Walmart has a plan to refurbish its stores with the fancy idea of an Apple Store within its own store; the concept was first seen at...
There is now an application for iPhone users called VizWiz that will help blind people with choice or endeavors that they have to make on a...
Amazon which only recently implemented in-app purchases for their apps has announced to its developers that the company is removing the $20 limit which it previously...
The Mountain View online search giant, Google has rolled out an update for its Android browser, Chrome Beta which reportedly only works with Android 4.0 Ice...
There are many apps which are used daily that allows users to save articles for later but the most obvious of the lot, ‘Read it Later’...
Not so long ago, the famous iOS game called Temple Run which featured a veritable Indiana Jones running through temple ruins holding an apparently sacred idol....
For just about 45 minutes, Gmail’s email service by Google was reported to be down. In that short span of time, complaints flocked the interweb and...
Yesterday, T-Mobile put up a teaser of a new ad campaign that showed Carly, its spokeswoman throwing on a leather outfit and getting on a motorcycle....
The Cupertino-based technology giants, Apple seem to be on the hunt for an engineer who reportedly “strengthen its multi-view stereo research group” which is a group...