So, you happen to be rocking to one of the older Lumia handsets from Nokia, and would love to check out what all the hoo-haa is about concerning Windows 10 Mobile. If you happen to live in Poland, then here is a spot of good news for you to kick start your week – the Windows 10 Mobile update will be heading to the likes of the Lumia 630, 635, 640, 735, and 830 this coming December 14, whereas those who happen to be making use of the Lumia 520, 532, 625, 720, 820, 920, 925, 930, 1020, and 1320, will have to wait until February 1st next year.
Again, bear in mind that the Windows 10 Mobile update will only affect those smartphones which were purchased from Orange in Poland, so if you happen to own any of the above mentioned devices but from different people, then you would have to give the updates a miss.