
Sharp Offers 4.1” Quad HD IGZO LCD Panel



It does look as though the days of a Full HD display on your smartphone are going to be more rare in the future – especially when you have Sharp coming up with this engineering marvel of a 4.1” Quad HD IGZO LCD panel. Right now, when it comes to pixel density, the Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A is right there at the top of the proverbial food chain, sporting a count of 576ppi. This 4.1” display is definitely an accomplishment to be celebrated, as it boasts of a resolution of 1600 x 2560 pixels, resulting in a minimum pixel density of 736ppi, which is a whole lot more compared to any other Quad HD display that is out there in the market.

Sharp claims that this particular Quad HD display will feature a similar pixel density as that of a 6” display that has a resolution count of 2160 x 3840 pixels. Sharp will hopefully be able to enter the manufacturing of such displays some time in 2016, although the very first design samples will only be made available to manufacturers from next year onward.


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