
Google+ Gets PG13 Feature



If you feel that there are times when you would like to express yourself on Google+ using language that is a whole lot more colorful and stronger than what you are normally used to, perhaps it would be prudent to think again as whatever you type might just be read by a younger relative of yours, only to scar the young mind with some choice words that would include the gender of a female pooch. Having said that, this might be a thing of the past, after taking into consideration that the most recent Google+ update would allow you to tweak its settings, and placing an age limit on your content.

In other words, you are now able to place an age limit on your posts – for instance, making your posts available to those who are older than 18 or 21 only, as well as on the rest of your content, or even to have it appear to those who hail from certain countries. Heck, it is so flexible and powerful, one is also able to set different age restrictions for individual countries.

The extra paranoid among you will now have the opportunity to be more than thorough, which is a good thing when you think about the customization level afforded by the folks over at Google for Google+.


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