
Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition Seen?



gs5-gpeThe Samsung Galaxy S4 did have its fair share of time under the spotlight when it comes to the Google Play Edition, and this time around, it does seem as though the latest version of the Galaxy S5, too, will be on the receiving end of a Google Play Edition. What you see on the right happens to be a leak, so nothing has been confirmed just yet since neither Google nor Samsung have stepped forward to confirm the existence of the device, but assuming it is true and well on its way, it ought to arrive in gold, although we are not ruling out the possibility of seeing it arrive in the regular colors like black, white and blue, either.

In terms of the hardware, the possible Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition will most probably be similar to that of the vanilla version, save for the fact that it ought to arrive as an unlocked device, not to mention running on stock Android right out of the box. Only time will be able to tell as to whether the Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition is real or not, so stay tuned.


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