
Samsung Tab 2 to be a Universal Remote Control?



Samsung has taken to the labs to spruce up the upcoming line of Galaxy Tab 2 tablets. Samsung which is Apple’s biggest competitor for 10” sized tablets is said to be including a feature that lets a tablet act as a universal remote control for an entertainment center. On top of that, the storage space on the Galaxy Tab 2 will also be expandable with memory cards. Both variants of the Galaxy Tab 2 are expected to hit stores on May 13.

The 7 inch one is said to cost $250 while the 10 inch one at $400. After the record breaking sales numbers of the new iPad, Apple’s competitors have been experimenting with different tablet sizes and features to try and win some of the large chunk of market share that is currently held by Apple. One good example of that is Toshiba which revealed a range of tablets which includes a massive 13-inch one. According to IDC the research firm, iPads account for nearly 60% of all tablets that were sold last year.

Although Amazon’s Kindle has been hitting high sales numbers, the firm believes that the Kindle tablet which is smaller in size and is not in the same price range with the iPad is from a different category of tablets. The latest news that Samsung’s upcoming tablets will be able to control a TV set or cable box via a built in infrared diode however, is something that Apple’s iPad does not have. That said, Samsung will not be installing a higher-resolution screen which is one of the main features aside from 4G LTE capability that the new iPad touts. Ironically, Samsung is one of the 3 alleged manufacturers of the new iPad’s Retina Display.


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