
Samsung Trademarks another Three Names



Another day brings another batch of names up for trademark filing by Samsung. The South Korean electronics giant has filed a few more names for what could be even more additions to their arsenal of Android devices. The names that were submitted are Galaxy Lift, Galaxy Perx and Galaxy Sire. According to Samsung’s reported mobile device related strategy, the company wants to produce and manufacture phones for everybody in all shapes and sizes (the phones, not the people).

That said the phones that will be attached to most of the names that Samsung has been filing for trademark over the past few months could either be landmark devices or just run of the mill phones that truly tech savvy people would not be interested in. But it seems like covering the entire spectrum of specs and software is Samsung’s modus operandi and the company does not seem to be stopping anytime soon.

What do you think? Should they follow the examples of manufacturers like Motorola, HTC and even Apple to create just a few select models of smartphones and risk giving up a relatively smaller group of mediocre and lower range spec users?


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