
iPhone Case Can Stop a 0.50 Caliber Bullet




While looking for an iPhone case, the two contributing factors to your final purchase will probably be protection and comfort of use. If you find yourself under fire by one bullet (up to 0.50 caliber) everyday though and if you’re also willing to sacrifice a bit of the comfort and form factor, Japanese company Marudai Corp has the perfect product for you. Its latest case for the iPhone 4/4S which is allegedly so heavily armored that it can supposedly stop a direct hit from a 0.50 caliber bullet and keep your smartphone intact.

The solid steel embedded in the back of the device will keep it safe but the screen in front has been left exposed for obvious reasons. The cover literally has to be bolted in place with an Allen Key. As anyone would expect with a case like that, it comes with a few disadvantages. With the cover, your iPhone will weigh 4.5 pounds and will be 1.5 inches thick but on the bright side, if you’re getting shot at that often, this can serve as a dumbbell while you’re on the go for training you will probably need if push turns to shove and shooting commences. Another disadvantage that this $650 case has is that the thick plating at the back reduces the viewfinder for your camera to make everything look like it was shot through a peephole. Given that exorbitant price tag, it might be better to back up your data on the cloud regularly, get some insurance and buy a proper Kevlar vest for yourself, nonetheless, this is interesting to note.


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