
New iPad runs 10 degrees hotter, visualized



From a previous report here on Uberphones, we mentioned that Apple did receive complaints about the new iPad over-heating. That said however, apparently the over-heating does not apply to all the new iPads. While there are certain parties protecting their new purchase by being in a state of denial or there is something that triggers the heating to start in the ones that do, the problem itself remains to be seen until this visualization was captured by Tweakers.

As can be seen in the picture above, both the iPad 2 (right) and the new iPad (left) were put through the GL benchmark for 5 minutes. According to the results given, the new jewel of Cupertino reached 33.6 C (92.5 Farenheit) versus the 28.3 C (82.9 Farenheit) that the iPad 2 reached. As you can see, the heat is at its highest on both devices toward the bottom right corner where the motherboard is located and one possible explanation as to why the new iPad overheats more is because of the extra graphic cores powering the many extra pixels which have been squeezed into the powerful device of the same size.

Upon reading this article, do remember that the reason the experimenter used a GL benchmark is because it pushes the GPU all the way to its hottest and you will not see much of this with normal use such as reading or browsing.


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