
Motorola reassures that they will be run as a separate entity from Google



We’re sure that many Android fans were excited when the Google/Motorola deal got approved by the regulators, especially since this opens up a lot of doors for Android. However some, like the regulators, are worried that Google and Motorola might start producing devices on their own and ultimately shut off the Android platform to other manufacturers. Google has mentioned countless times that this will not be the case, and if you did not take their word for it, Motorola’s Senior VO of Portfolio and Product Management, Alain Mutricy, has come forward and assured us that Google and Motorola will be run as separate entities, reaffirming Google’s earlier statement. In a way this is kind of a pity, especially since Google has essentially positioned themselves in such a way that not only do they have their own mobile platform, but they now have an arm that allows them to manufacture their own devices to use with said platform. Perhaps we might see some sort of collaboration in the future, but for now antitrust regulators can probably rest easy.


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