
Will Google Chrome find its way onto iOS?



The Google Chrome browser for Android was launched a couple of days ago, well to be more specific, the beta version of the browser was launched, but it still marked a milestone for the company. However one has to ask if Chrome would ever find its way onto iOS? After all, Safari and Chrome could be considered competitors, so why should Apple allow Chrome onto iOS? While that’s entirely up to Apple’s discretion for now, it seems that Chrome for iOS is a possibility, although it might be one that may not be happening any time soon.

According to Chrome’s SVP Sundar Pichai, they would love to launch Chrome on iOS but due to the limitations, such as the exclusion of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, it might prove to be rather tricky. However given that both Chrome and Safari are built upon the same WebKit layout engine, porting Chrome over to iOS might be easier than porting Firefox, although we’re guessing that some features might be removed or will see limitations.

So what do you guys think? Would you like to see Google Chrome make its way onto iOS, or is the mobile version of Safari sufficient for your browsing needs?


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