We know that the iPad 3 is more or less coming. After all with the success that the iPad and iPad 2 managed to garner, why wouldn’t Apple release a third-generation iPad, right? Well it seems that the device does exist and we may have very well seen one of its components. Taiwanese website Apple.pro leaked photos of a supposed iPad 3 component, to to be more specific, its 30-pin dock connector, and now they are reportedly being sued for it by the supplier of the component. We could assume that this is a genuine iPad 3 component which is why the supplier is taking this so seriously, either that or the component could be one of the many prototypes that Apple has designed and that the supplier is suing to show Apple that it takes “leaks” like that very seriously. Either way the iPad 3 is expected to see a launch some time in March/April, so stay tuned as we’ll see if this leaked component holds any truth behind it!