
Amazon’s upcoming tablet to be named Kindle Fire



So we all know that Amazon will be launching a tablet soon, and now it has been revealed that the tablet could be called the Kindle Fire, to help differentiate it from Amazon’s Kindle e-reader devices. As far as designed is concerned, if you’re wondering why the mockup above looks oddly familiar, it’s because according to reports, Amazon outsourced the design from a company called Quanta, who apparently was the company behind the design for the Blackberry Playbook.

The tablet is also expected to feature a 1.2GHz TI OMAP processor and will run on Amazon’s version of Android, which apparently looks nothing like Android, and naturally there will be links and integration to Amazon’s own Android Appstore. Considering how some were saying that Amazon’s tablet could prove to be an “iPad killer”, based on this information, it’s starting to sound like those speculations could turn out to be true.


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