
Carriers prefer Windows Phone 7 over Symbian and MeeGo?



We’re pretty sure when Nokia announced that they would be going the Windows Phone 7 route instead of Symbian or the much anticipated MeeGo, they probably angered and disappointed many of their fans. While running a business, we guess it’s a matter of balancing between giving what your customers want, and good business sense. In this case, according to Stephen Elop who replied a member who wanted to bring the Nokia N9 to the UK:

Hello there,
I can’t comment on what specific operators may or may not do in each country – many of those decisions are happening right now for the latter part of the year. In all cases, the operators will make decisions about which products will be made available, with which rate plans, etc. Each operator in each country only has so many “slots”, and they divide those up between ourselves and our competitors, and within Nokia they can mix between N9, Windows Phone, Symbian, etc. Right now, many of the larger operators are showing a strong preference towards WP…

To sum it up, carriers prefer WP7 over MeeGo. While WP7 may not sell as well as iOS or Android, we’re guessing MeeGo might be too niche of a market for carriers to be willing to take a chance on them. What do you guys think?


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