
Blackberry Messenger gets updated to version 6



Good news Blackberry Messenger fans! It seems that RIM did deliver as they promised a new version of the popular BBM service. The Messenger has been updated to version 6 and along with the update comes several new features such as connected apps, which basically are apps that have BBM integrated into them to bring social networking to a whole new level, or at least that’s what RIM is hoping to achieve.

Some of the key features of the connected apps include:

  • Share app experiences with friends – invite a BBM friend from across town or the world to join you in social game play, share restaurant suggestions, or collaborate through productivity apps – without leaving the app
  • Have a BBM chat within apps – invite your BBM friends to join a game to get the scores and start talking about the game within the app
  • Discover apps through friends – find new apps by viewing BBM connected apps that are automatically posted to a BBM friend’s profile
  • Show off – display status updates on your BBM profile such as app status updates, trophies, achievements, pushed data alerts and more
If that sounds good, BBM 6 is already available in App World so what are you waiting for?


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