
iPhone 5 To Have A Major Redesign?



Ever since iOS 5 was released to developers the rumor mill regarding iPhone 4S/5 rumors have been churning like crazy and have done a 180. Prior to iOS 5 a lot people believed that the next generation iPhone would look more or less like the iPhone 4 in terms of design except that it would be featuring a newer processor and a 8MP camera, which some took to mean that the next generation iPhone would be a rehash of the iPhone 4.

Typically every generation of iPhone was massively improved upon, from the first generation which leaped into a brand new design with the iPhone 3G, then came the 3GS which offered a huge speed boost over the 3G, then came the iPhone 4 with it’s brand new design, new display and new camera with LED flash. The iPhone 4 was a pretty big update in terms of the differences between it and the 3GS and now the rumors are saying that the next iPhone will be a major redesign, which like I said earlier, is a total 180 from the previous speculations.

The above photo is just a concept but it’s a concept design that some people are starting to buy into and we have to admit that it does look pretty slick, although it is too thin for our tastes, could be tricky trying to hold it and type, let alone hold it steady enough to take photos. So what do you guys think? Rehash or major redesign, and why?


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