
iOS 5’s Camera App A Rip From WP7?



For those who haven’t heard it  looks like Apple and Nokia’s patent litigation has finally been settled and now it looks like there might be something between Apple and Microsoft, especially with iOS 5’s camera app which has been changed quite radically, and among some of its new features is apparently a feature that was present in Windows Phone 7 all this while. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore even commented on it, claiming he felt flattered that iOS 5 was taking its cues from Windows Phone 7.

The feature in question would be the ability to swipe back to your camera roll while taking a picture without having to press any buttons. Sure it sounds trivial but the added convenience is rather innovative and in the tech world it’s small things like these that set a platform apart from the other.

Anyway it looks like Apple will have to be shelling out some cash for the use of the said patent, or perhaps they already have prior to iOS 5 being released, which may explain why Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore did not seem overly peeved by the rip off.


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