
Firefox 5 Brings “Do Not Track” Feature To Android



Are you worried about browsers tracking you and collecting your data and browsing behavior? It wasn’t too long ago that location services were called into question regarding their security and privacy and we’re guessing browsers that collect your data aren’t too far behind. On one hand it can be useful where browsers collect your browsing habits and behavior in order to better optimize your browsing experience and provide recommendations based on the sites you visit but if privacy and security is your top priority, then perhaps you should look into getting Firefox 5 for Android because it comes with the option to disable the tracking and collection of your data.

This option was added in the latest version of Firefox 5 and the reasoning behind it was that Mozilla wanted their users to have more control over their browsing. This is one of the features that is among the 1,000 or so improvements and performance that came about in Firefox 5. You can head on down to the Android Market if you’re looking to get Firefox 5 installed on your Android device.


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