
Apple Working On Infrared System For iOS Cameras



According to the US Patent & Trademark Office who have published a patent application from Apple, revealed the various concepts behind a newly advanced next generation camera system that employs infrared technology. Some of its potential uses could be for the music and movie industries to disable camera recording during concerts or while in the cinemas, reducing bootlegs and piracy, although who’s to stop bootleggers and pirates from using other devices, right?

The new system could also turn your iOS device into a kind of automated tour guide for museums, pointing your device at a painting or statue in museum could then fetch information regarding the object in question. It could also eventually be used as an auto retail clerk providing customers with price, availability and product information. In fact it’s beginning to smell like Apple has come up with an alternative solution to NFC. We all know how Apple doesn’t like following the trends and who can blame them, after all following their own ideas and innovations has led to their immense success, so who’s to stop them from creating an alternative to NFC?

If you’re interested in reading about all the technical details and usage of their infrared system, just head on down to Patently Apple for the full scoop.


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