
Android Phones Have The Highest Failure Rates



It’s no secret that Android has a bigger market share compared to the rest of the other smartphones, holding over 40%, and with Apple holding over 20%. However, despite the rather sizeable chunk of market share that Android controls, it seems that in a sampling of 600,000 support calls over a year, 14% of those support calls deal with an Android issue, specifically a hardware problem, making that a whopping 84,000 Android users who have called in regarding hardware issues.

Windows Phone 7 comes in second with 9%, and Apple at 8%, and RIM at a surprisingly low 3.7%. In a way, Android’s open source system could be a contributing factor, since there are plenty of Android handset makers out there, quality cannot always be guaranteed, leading to hardware failure. Do you think it’s a fair judgement? Do you know other Android users who may have complained about one hardware fault on their device? Compared to the iPhone, which is made by Apple, so usually hardware malfunctions are typically limited to a couple of handsets (‘death grip’ not withstanding), otherwise you’d be seeing iPhone users rioting.


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