
Intel Shifting To Mobile



Intel is known for their processor chips in computers like desktops and laptops but now it looks like they’re shifting their focus towards mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Who can blame them, after all Intel are known for their processors so why not make the jump from computers to mobile devices?

As it stands right now NVidia seems to making huge progress in terms of mobile device processors with the rumor that they might be working alongside with Google to produce the Nexus 3 which will most likely be a quad-core device. So why should Intel just stand aside and allow NVidia all the fun (and profits)?

With all the success they had with their computer devices it will be interesting to see what Intel can bring to the table in terms of processors for mobile devices, perhaps they’ll even dominate it just like how they have in the computing world.

Speaking at an investor conference, Intel CEO Paul Otellini said that the first smartphones with Intel chips inside are on track to become available next year. “You’ll see the first Intel-based phones in the market in the first part of next year.”


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