
Google Wallet Stickers For Phones Without NFC



As it stands Sprint’s Nexus S is one of the few Android devices to have the NFC hardware built into the phone, so what do you do if you own a different device, does that mean you will not be able to enjoy the new Google Wallet NFC payment service? Well it seems that Google has thought of the rest of us out there without NFC enabled devices and have come up with a NFC sticker that will allow phones without NFC to communicate with the Google Wallet service.

Basically you would get this special sticker from Google that has a single credit card’s information associated with it,. You then stick it on to the back of your phone and the sticker would allow your device to communicate with the Google Wallet app just like if your phone had a built-in NFC chip. Unlike Google Wallet where you can store multiple cards, the sticker will limit you to just one card but essentially you will be able to pay using your phone. Not too bad an idea, I guess we all won’t be running out getting ourselves Sprint’s Nexus S 4G phones just yet, although Amazon is selling them off pretty damn cheap.


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