
Xperia Play games now available on the Android Market



Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

As the PlayStation phone’s, now known as the Xperia Play, release date draws closer; Google is making preparations for the phone’s arrival. A PlayStation emulator has been pulled off the Android Market, and the official PlayStation games have started to show up on the Android Market. At the moment there are only 3 games: Syphon Filter, MediEvil and Cool Boarders that are on sale for $6.38 – pretty cheap considering the prices that the games used to cost when they first arrive on the PlayStation console. Well, it’s too soon to say how successful the Xperia Play is going to be, but mid-April is arriving (expected launch date for the Xperia Play in the US) and we’ll find out in due time. How many of you will be getting the Xperia Play when it launches?



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