
Verizon to offer unlimited data plans with its iPhone?



The rumor is still up in the air about the iPhone coming to Verizon but most reports believe that it’s true, with Verizon holding a press conference on January 11 to supposedly launch the device. Well, that’s just a day away and I’m sure we can all wait for the news. And now, another interesting rumor has popped up from the Wall Street Journal – they claim that Verizon will be offering unlimited data plans to their iPhone users – similar to the plan offered by AT&T for their iPhone customers. It will definitely have a lot of people signing up for the phone (if and when it arrives), but can Verizon’s network handle it? After all it was because of everyone flocking to AT&T for the iPhone, their network suffered. An unlimited data plan is just going to make the Verizon iPhone more appealing and Verizon better be prepared for the legion of iPhone fans.


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