
Verizon employee tweeting with a CDMA iPhone?



Tomorrow is going to be the big day of the Verizon iPhone announcement. At least that what we’ve all been led to believe and this latest piece of news doesn’t help with quashing the rumor. A tweet sent from the Verizon account leaves us with some very interesting information. Not in the tweet itself, but how the tweet was sent to Twitter. If you look closely at the small text, it says “5:17 PM Jan 8th via Twitter for iPhone”. Now we all know that Twitter has been around on the iPhone forever, but for a Verizon employee to tweet using an AT&T iPhone? Wouldn’t that be sacrilegious? Well, whether if this was a mistake or done on purpose to stir up rumors, it sure builds up a lot of hype for the Verizon conference tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.


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