
ooVoo Video chat for Android lets you have a 6-way video call



If you’re looking for a video chat solution on the Android phone, you have quite a selection to choose from- Qik, Fring, Yahoo Messenger, Tango and so on. So what does ooVoo have to take on the big boys of video calling? Well for one, ooVoo supports up to six people on one call alone. Video calls between more than two people isn’t limited to your desktop anymore. You can now do the same thing on your mobile phone! ooVoo can also be downloaded for Windows PCs to enable computer to mobile video calling unlike the other apps that only allow mobile to mobile video calls. You can switch between your front and back cameras, as well as add more callers during a call or before you start. Sounds great? It sure does. Unfortunately the app isn’t available at the moment, it’s still in its testing stages, but it definitely looks good so far. Check out a video demo of ooVoo in action after the break:


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