
Acer aims to ship out 30 million phones by 2014



Aymar de LencquesaingThe leader of the Acer’s mobile division, Aymar de Lencquesaing, has mentioned in an interview today that the whole industry and not just Acer is facing a shortage of parts. Acer has planned to ship 30 million phones by 2014, with their aim of catching six percent of the global statistic for smartphone shares. But due to this crisis, they will only ship about one million phones this year- not even close to half of their target. Acer is still optimistic about their goals though. They believe that the shortage of parts is a sign that they are on track to their goal- after all, if nobody wants your phone you wouldn’t have any problems supplying them right? Lencquesaing also talked about their strategy to embrace platforms as they become popular. Acer has been doing it with Android, and has plans to do it with MeeGo and possibly Windows Phone 7 if they really take off as well. Well, the new year hasn’t begun yet so it’s still too early to see if it will work out for them in the end.


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