ZAGGmate starts shipping out today, will be available on Black Friday
The ZAGGmate iPad case that easily turns your iPad into a “laptop” without any sort of modification has seen an overwhelming number of pre-orders. ZAGG mentioned that orders from retail partners for the iPad case have already carried over to next year. As well as protecting your iPad, the ZAGGmate which looks like an extension of the iPad (similar look, feel and finish), comes with a Bluetooth keyboard that can be easily paired up with the Tablet to provide a laptop experience on the device. Previously the device was still unshipped and only awaiting pre-orders, with no official release date. ZAGG has just announced that they have started shipping the case out to their retail partners, and it will be available at select Best Buys on Black Friday, November 26. The rest of the ZAGGmates will be available to pre-order customers in early December- in time for Christmas. The ZAGGmate with the keyboard costs $99.99 while the keyboard-less version will be priced at $69.99. Customers can register to be notified when ZAGGmate becomes available for sale on their website. Watch videos of the ZAGGmate cases after the break: