
iPhone 5 rumored to have Near Field Communication capabilities



According to some rumors posted online, the next generation of iPhones will do more than what the current crop of iPhones can do. A technology that’s been around in Asia for awhile now- Near Field Communication is slated to be a feature of the new iPhone. Currently, NFC technology has been implemented in phones so that they can be used as e-wallets. Users just had to tap their phones on special readers when purchasing goods. But according to the rumors, Apple is planning to do more than that. With NFC, users can just login to Macs with the use of their phones. They can then use the computer to work on whatever they need to do (i.e. reply emails, work on documents). When they leave the computer and the link is severed, it will resume whatever it was doing previously with all of the iPhone user’s data (i.e. passwords) cleared – leaving nothing important stored. If this turns out to be true, it will definitely be a new hallmark for Apple and once again proves their innovative genius in the IT industry. What do you think of Apple’s plans to use NFC?


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