
Install Android 2.2 on your iPhone



Anything is possible- when there is a will there is a way. That seems to be the case here- whoever thought we’d live to see an iPhone running Google’s open-source Android operating system? Some clever folks have managed to make it run without a hitch. Apparently, it’s even possible to download new updates while running Android on the iPhone. Who needs SkyFire anymore when you have FroYo installed on your iPhone? Talk about rubbing salt in a wound. Well, we know running unauthorized software on your iPhone isn’t recommended, but where there’s danger, there’s excitement right? Redmond Pie has come up with a step by step guide detailing all the steps you need to take to make this work. Note that you need an older iPhone to make it work. Oh, and of course jailbreaking is necessary. If you do embark on this adventure, let us know how you fare.


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