
Copy and paste might be coming to Windows Phone 7 sooner than expected



In a blog post that addressed the criticism towards Windows Phone 7, Microsoft’s Director of Microsoft Project, Arpan Shah said the following statement, “Critics have commented on the lack of specific features like copy & paste and lack of 100s of thousands of applications. And while both are true, copy & paste will be available as an update in a matter of weeks (early 2011) and as for applications, it’s just a matter of time.” Now, what he says is a bit confusing. First he mentions that copy & paste will be available “in a matter of weeks”- yay! But then he adds in parenthesis, “early 2011” which doesn’t make sense. Early 2011 isn’t a matter of weeks away- it’s at least a month. “Early” is a bit too vague in this context- March could be considered “early 2011”, but you would say it was months away, not weeks. In the meantime, there isn’t much we can do besides wait, but let’s hope that the update will be released in “a matter of weeks” rather than “early 2011”. What do you think?


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