
Samsung To Launch Mobile Movie Store



Soon, you would not have to walk very far to see a movie. For as low as £2.99 you will soon be able to rent a movie (for 24-hours) to watch on your mobile phone; for £4.99 you will be able to start your very own mobile phone movie archive, as you’ll be able to keep it! Samsung, in their effort to develop an ecosystem around their devices, is making that possible when it launches its mobile phone movie store powered by Acetrax. The store will debut very soon with 500 movies, adding another 1000 movies as well as TV shows before June 2009. The UK and Germany have been chosen to start this movie service, with plans for the service to be extended into the Europe later this year. There is no indication as to whether the service will cover Windows Mobile phones but with Acetrax a supporter of Windows Media Player, we are optimistic. Samsung recently also launched its own application store.


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