
Injection Mobile For Your iPhone



Like to speed? Hate receiving speeding tickets? Well, check out the Njection Mobile app which is designed for your iPhone. Njection Mobile claims to notify you of upcoming speed traps, red lights with cameras and other types of speed detection devices. If it’s going to help users avoid getting speeding tickets, it’s certainly a useful app, though it does look like it’s encouraging users to speed (when there are no traps of course!) A list of the features of Njection Mobile includes:

  • Speech notification of Speed Traps giving the type of trap and distance
  • Search for speed traps local to you or around the world
  • The only speed trap program that displays maps with full gesture support, just like the iPhone’s built in maps program.
  • Map is viewable in Landscape or Portrait
  • No screen lock so you can use it along as you want
  • Data can be added on each trap about when the area is monitored
  • Use of a native Microsoft Virtual Earth implementation to provide one of the best mapping experiences on the iPhone
  • The Active Intelligence Selection System (AISS) that alerts you to the most relevant speed trap based on your speed, direction of travel, and current time
  • Submit and verify speed traps directly from the iPhone
  • iPhone 3G strongly suggested for alert mode


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