
iPhone 2.2 Jailbreak Is Possible



The iPhone 2.2 firmware has only been around for a few days, but the awesome folks at the iPhone Dev Team have already released a jailbreak of the firmware. The QuickPwn and Pwnage tools for the latest 2.2 firmware have been posted on their blog, and it’s compatible with Windows and Mac. They did post a little warning regarding the baseband chip which reads:

“Think of it like a cable modem or other peripheral that is attached to your home PC that needs occasional updates. When a software update is released and presented to you within iTunes the baseband is sometimes updated (to fix bugs or add new features). The 2.2 update for the iPhone 3G contains such an update, so running the vanilla updater straight away with iTunes will reprogram and update the baseband. This could be bad for certain people, depending on your ultimate aim. “


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