
No End To MobileMe Woes



When it launched, it was well received, though it may not be so popular amongst existing users anymore. The latest problems with MobileMe are related to the email bit of MobileMe. It seems like quite a few of MobileMe subscribers are unable to access the email portion of their MobileMe account. Apple has already posted a bulletin acknowledging the problem, and states that it is affecting less than 1% of the user base. While that may be true, users who are affected are rather peeved at the whole issue, and apparently aren’t getting anywhere with Apple’s support team.

To make matters worse, it seems British customers who signed up for the free trial of the service have been hit by a flawed billing system. The system placed a 121 Pound pre-authorization charge on many new customer accounts. The good thing is that Apple is providing affected customers with an additional 30 days of free service, and when that is coupled with the 60 day trial, and initial 30 day free credit, comes to a total of 120 days of free MobileMe access. In the end, Apple will have to sort this out sooner rather than later, as users aren’t going to keep using a trial service that isn’t reliable.


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