
Did Rogers Anger Apple?



Rogers might not be known for the best plans on the planet, but their latest iPhone plans seem to take it one step further (in the wrong direction, anyways). The latest iPhone 3G plans, which start at $60 for 150 voice minutes, and the lack of an unlimited data plan, regardless of how much money subscribers are willing to pay, seems to have ticked off quite a few people. While Rogers might be able to handle unsatisfied customers, the next entity rumored to be unhappy with the whole issue isn’t someone they can bully so easily. It’s rumored that Apple isn’t exactly happy with Rogers’ data plans at the moment either, and they’ve diverted a portion of Rogers’ handsets to Europe, and leaving Rogers’ retail stores in Canada with as little as 10-20 units for launch day. Though it’s still an unconfirmed rumor, if it’s true, it’d probably teach them not to launch a data intensive phone without providing any unlimited data plan to go with it.


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