
AT&T claims to be "most open", finds cure for AIDS



OK, so maybe they don’t have a cure for AIDS, but the previous claim isn’t exactly the most truthful statement either. AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega made some brash statements recently speaking of the networks lack of effort to join Google’s OHA, and the changing times of freedom for mobile networking.

“We are the most open wireless company in the industry.” de la Vega says of AT&T, taking a defiant tone against the OHA. But not for long, Mr. de la Vega. When asked to defend his case for the iPhone being an AT&T exclusive, he says “The iPhone is a very special, innovative case.” Innovative we’ll agree with, but also having a completely open network and freedom of devices is also very innovative. AT&T is basically saying that they don’t have a need for the OHA. Though on the launch of Google’s Android OS next year, the story might change significantly.

If Verizon has even made the jump, who were previously one of the more restrictive providers on the market, we think AT&T will one day soon jump the gun as well. The iPhone will only support them for so long.


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