
SoMo 650 one tough nut



Finally, a smartphone that is not from HTC or Palm. Socket Communications’ SoMo 650 fills a niche where commercial PDAs and smartphones shirk from – environments that aren’t too conducive for a sensitive piece of electronics. The SoMo 650 features a flexible design and comes packaged in a durable form factor that is strong enough to withstand multiple (yes, butterfingers rejoice!) drops from a height of one meter without suffering from any adverse effects. The SoMo 560 will ship from April this year onwards and retail for approximately $650. More specifications and features are available after the jump.

• Durable form factor designed specifically to withstand multiple drops from one meter onto vinyl-covered concrete
• True business class 802.11b/g Wi-Fi technology provides fast roaming for superior in-building / campus environments and VoIP applications
• Bluetooth 2.0 radio with enhanced data rate; one of the most complete libraries of Bluetooth profiles for maximum support of third party peripherals
• Reinforced CompactFlash and SDIO slots that enable expandability and provide better protection for peripheral devices
• More stable platform and a three to five year lifecycle to meet business needs and lower total cost of ownership
• 128MB SDRAM and 256MB Flash memory to enable users to work with multiple applications
• Intel processor operating at 624MHz to ensure better application responsiveness
• High-capacity, rechargeable lithium-ion battery to power the most demanding applications; an optional extended life battery is also available
• Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system


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