AU offers 7 new phones this summer
KDDI is one of Japan’s big wireless providers, and the upcoming phones from KDDI’s AU brand line is hot enough to complement the upcoming summer. The G’zOne W42CA is Casio’s new water-and-shockproof phone that sports a 2-megapixel camera. The Sony Ericsson W42S Walkman phone boasts 1GB of memory, a 1.3-megapixel camera, and the Listen Mobile Service. Hitachi’s W42H offers a PC-like browser, 50MB memory, a 2-megapixel camera, and Felica while the Toshiba W44T ships with Bluetooth (surprisingly a rarity in Japan), 1GB of memory, a 3.2-megapixel camera, and 3D GPS. Read details on the remaining 3 phones after the jump. Kyocera’s W42K comes with an Advanced Super View (ASV) LCD, LISMO, and a 1.3-megapixel camera. The Sanyo W33SA II offers a PC Site Viewer and a digital TV tuner so that you will not miss a single episode of your favorite show. Last but not least, Kyocera’s A5521K comes with an ASV screen as well and is rather slim with a thickness of 18mm.